Monday, June 9, 2014

Surtex, Shopping and Synchronicity.

It's a very interesting process exhibiting at Surtex and attending the National Stationery Show in New York. While a ton of work goes into getting your files and your walls just perfect for the show, it's almost more overwhelming coming back from Surtex to an overflowing stack of business cards, notes and art files that need tweaking. There is a TON of work and follow up. And while that's a good thing, it can also feel very daunting. But followup works just like any other big task on your plate, you break it down into smaller chunks and start designing, calling and checking things off your to do list.  And somehow, those amazing people you are meant to work with, well they just magically find their way to the top. You take your artistic creations and Send It Out to the Universe,  (more on that amazing song and it's synchronicity later) and see what comes back. The Working Girls are very excited because several projects are already moving forward and its only been a few weeks since the show. We'll have more details as each project unfolds so stay tuned!

While in New York, Jodi and I had about a half a day to take a break from work and go have some fun. It was no accident that we ended up in Henri Bendel. Now while we have a Henri Bendel in Las Vegas, it does not even come close to the amazing store we visited on 5th Ave in New York. Jodi bought some amazing rings and I bought a stunning white bangle watch. Jodi and I were discussing that sometimes we are moving so fast and furious that we forget to stop and celebrate our successes. And it's so important to do that. Art Licensing is not an easy business, but it can be so rewarding to collaborate with others to see your art come to life. So here's to hard work and the opposite of that shopping in Bendels! Because both are needed, both are magical and stepping fully into the energy of work and play are what's going to make life feel rich and rewarding.

Our Second Surtex - Bigger and Better than Ever!

This is the song that was playing in Bendels....Amazing.

Fantastic Shopping for the Working Girls

Tonja's Pick - A white Miss Bendel Bangle
Jodi's Pick - Stunning Rings for Cocktail Hour
High Shopping Season
c by Working Girls Design 2014

Let's Fly
 c Working Girls Design 2014 
Dream On
c Working Girls Design 2014